The Sims 4 Cheat PC – Cheat Codes and Tips for Gamers

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The Sims 4 is a popular life simulation game that allows players to create their own characters, build their homes, and live their lives in the virtual world. However, players may get stuck or bored with the game over time. That’s where cheat codes come in handy. In this article, we will discuss the Sims 4 cheat PC and provide some tips for gamers.

What are cheat codes?

Cheat codes are a series of commands that players can use to access hidden features or gain an advantage in the game. They are commonly used to unlock new items, increase the player’s wealth, or change the game’s dynamics. In The Sims 4, cheat codes can be used to alter the characters’ emotions, skills, and relationships with other characters.

How to activate cheat codes

To activate cheat codes in The Sims 4, players need to press the Ctrl + Shift + C keys on the keyboard to open the command console. Then, they can type in the cheat code and press Enter to activate it. Players should note that some cheats may require additional steps or prerequisites to work properly.

Common cheat codes in The Sims 4

Here are some of the most commonly used cheat codes in The Sims 4:

motherlode – adds 50,000 Simoleons to the household funds.

kaching – adds 1,000 Simoleons to the household funds.

rosebud – adds 1,000 Simoleons to the household funds (older version of the kaching cheat).

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freerealestate on – allows the player to purchase any residential lot for free.

testingcheats true – enables additional cheat options, such as skill and relationship modifications.

cas.fulleditmode – allows the player to modify the character’s appearance and traits in Create a Sim mode.

sims.modify_funds [amount] – adds or subtracts a specific amount of Simoleons from the household funds.

Tips for using cheat codes

While cheat codes can make the game more exciting and enjoyable, players should use them responsibly. Here are some tips for using cheat codes:

Save your game before using cheat codes. Cheat codes can sometimes cause glitches or errors in the game, so it’s always a good idea to save your progress before using them. That way, you can revert to an earlier save if something goes wrong.

Don’t overuse cheat codes. Using cheat codes too frequently can make the game too easy or boring. It’s best to use them sparingly and only when you need them.

Experiment with different cheat codes. There are many cheat codes available in The Sims 4, so don’t be afraid to try them out and see what they do.


The Sims 4 cheat PC provides players with a way to enhance their gaming experience and overcome challenges in the game. By using cheat codes responsibly and experimenting with different options, players can unlock new features, modify their characters, and make the game more enjoyable. However, it’s important to use cheat codes in moderation and save your progress regularly to avoid any unexpected issues.

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