Hero Counter Jawhead Mobile Legends: Tips for Beating this Powerful Hero

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Jawhead is a popular hero in Mobile Legends, known for his powerful attacks and durable armor. However, like any hero, Jawhead has his weaknesses. In this article, we’ll explore some tips and strategies for countering this formidable hero.

Understanding Jawhead’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Before we dive into specific strategies for beating Jawhead, it’s important to understand what makes him such a formidable opponent. Jawhead’s primary strength is his ability to deal massive damage with his skills and basic attacks. He’s also quite durable thanks to his armor and health regeneration.

However, Jawhead’s biggest weakness is his lack of mobility. He’s slow and clunky, which makes him vulnerable to kiting and hit-and-run tactics. Additionally, his skills and attacks are all close-ranged, which means he’s weak against heroes with longer range attacks.

Countering Jawhead with Ranged Heroes

As we mentioned earlier, Jawhead is weak against heroes with longer range attacks. This means that the best way to counter him is to use heroes like Lesley, Clint, or Irithel. These heroes can stay safely out of Jawhead’s range while still dealing significant damage to him.

Another great option for countering Jawhead with ranged heroes is to use heroes with crowd control abilities. Heroes like Valir, Aurora, and Cyclops can use their crowd control skills to keep Jawhead at bay and prevent him from getting too close.

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Countering Jawhead with High Mobility Heroes

As we mentioned earlier, Jawhead’s lack of mobility makes him vulnerable to kiting and hit-and-run tactics. This means that heroes with high mobility are also great for countering him. Heroes like Hayabusa, Fanny, and Gusion can easily move in and out of Jawhead’s range, dealing damage while avoiding his attacks.

Another great option for countering Jawhead with high mobility heroes is to use heroes with invincibility or escape skills. Heroes like Lancelot, Helcurt, and Selena can use their invincibility or escape skills to avoid Jawhead’s attacks and stay safe.

Countering Jawhead with Tank Heroes

Finally, tank heroes can also be effective at countering Jawhead. While they may not deal as much damage as ranged or high mobility heroes, they can absorb Jawhead’s attacks and protect their team. Heroes like Johnson, Grock, and Akai are all great options for countering Jawhead with tank heroes.


While Jawhead is a powerful hero in Mobile Legends, he’s far from unbeatable. By using the right heroes and strategies, you can easily counter him and lead your team to victory. Whether you prefer ranged heroes, high mobility heroes, or tank heroes, there’s a strategy that will work for you. So next time you face Jawhead on the battlefield, don’t be intimidated – use these tips and take him down!

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