Cheat Plants vs Zombie 2: Tips and Tricks to Master the Game

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Plants vs Zombie 2 is a popular game that challenges players to defend their home from a zombie apocalypse using plants. The game can be challenging, but with the right tips and tricks, you can become a pro in no time. In this article, we will share some cheat plants vs zombie 2 tips to help you master the game.

1. Use Sunflowers to Generate More Sun

Sunflowers are an essential part of the game as they generate sun, which you need to buy plants. Plant as many sunflowers as possible, and upgrade them to increase their sun generation rate. You can also use sun-producing plants like Twin Sunflower to generate more sun.

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2. Use Plant Food to Boost Your Plants

Plant Food is a powerful item that can boost your plants’ abilities. Use it on your most potent plants to deal with tough zombie waves. You can earn Plant Food by killing glowing zombies or purchasing them in the store.

3. Strategize Your Plant Placement

Placing your plants in the right location is crucial to winning the game. Place defensive plants like Wall-nut in front of your attacking plants to protect them from zombies. You can also place attacking plants like Peashooter in the back to deal with zombies from a distance.

4. Take Advantage of Plant Combinations

Plant combinations can be a powerful tool to defeat zombies. For example, using a Kernel-pult to launch corn that slows down zombies and then using a Melon-pult to deal massive damage can be an effective combination. Experiment with different plant combinations to find what works best for you.

5. Save Your Plant Food for Tough Waves

It’s essential to save your Plant Food for tough zombie waves. Use it on your most potent plants to deal with the most challenging zombie waves. Don’t waste it on weak zombies or zombies that are about to die.

6. Take Advantage of the Power-Ups

Power-Ups are temporary bonuses that can help you win the game. They can be earned by completing quests or purchased in the store. Use them when you’re in a tight spot to give yourself an advantage.

7. Use the Zen Garden to Earn More Coins

The Zen Garden is a feature in Plants vs Zombie 2 that allows you to grow plants and earn coins. You can plant different types of plants and sell them for coins. Use the coins to purchase more plants and upgrades.

8. Complete Quests to Earn Rewards

Completing quests is a great way to earn rewards like coins, keys, and power-ups. Make sure to check the quest menu and complete as many quests as possible to earn rewards.

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9. Use Keys to Unlock More Levels

Keys are used to unlock new levels in Plants vs Zombie 2. You can earn keys by completing quests or purchasing them in the store. Make sure to use your keys wisely and unlock levels that will help you progress in the game.

10. Don’t Forget to Upgrade Your Plants

Upgrading your plants is essential to winning the game. Make sure to upgrade your most potent plants to deal with tougher zombie waves. You can upgrade your plants by purchasing upgrades in the store or earning them through quests.

11. Use the Plant Almanac to Learn About Plants

The Plant Almanac is a great resource to learn about different plants and their abilities. Make sure to read through it and learn about the different types of plants available in the game.

12. Use Bonk Choy to Deal with Close-range Zombies

Bonk Choy is a close-range plant that deals massive damage to zombies. It’s an excellent plant to use against zombies that are close to your home. Pair it with Wall-nut to protect it from zombie attacks.

13. Use Iceberg Lettuce to Freeze Zombies

Iceberg Lettuce is a plant that can freeze zombies, making them easier to deal with. Use it on tough zombie waves to give yourself an advantage.

14. Use Cherry Bomb to Deal with Large Groups of Zombies

Cherry Bomb is a powerful plant that can deal with large groups of zombies at once. Use it on tough zombie waves to thin out the herd and make it easier to deal with the remaining zombies.

15. Use Potato Mine to Deal with Tough Zombies

Potato Mine is a plant that can deal massive damage to zombies that step on it. Use it on tough zombies like Gargantuars to deal with them quickly.

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16. Use Jalapeno to Deal with Tough Zombies

Jalapeno is a plant that can deal massive damage to all zombies in a row. Use it on tough zombie waves to thin out the herd and make it easier to deal with the remaining zombies.

17. Use Garlic to Divert Zombies

Garlic is a plant that can divert zombies to another lane. Use it to divert tough zombies away from your most potent plants.

18. Use Bloomerang to Deal with Multiple Zombies

Bloomerang is a plant that can deal with multiple zombies at once. It’s an excellent plant to use against large groups of zombies.

19. Use Laser Bean to Deal with Tough Zombies

Laser Bean is a plant that can deal massive damage to tough zombies. Use it on tough zombie waves to deal with them quickly.

20. Use Citron to Deal with Tough Zombies

Citron is a plant that can deal massive damage to tough zombies. Use it on tough zombie waves to deal with them quickly.

21. Use Electric Peashooter to Deal with Groups of Zombies

Electric Peashooter is a plant that can deal with groups of zombies at once. Use it on tough zombie waves to thin out the herd and make it easier to deal with the remaining zombies.

22. Use Infi-nut to Protect Your Plants

Infi-nut is a plant that can protect your plants from zombie attacks. Use it to protect your most potent plants from tough zombie attacks.

23. Use Magnifying Grass to Deal with Zombies from a Distance

Magnifying Grass is a plant that can deal with zombies from a distance. Use it to deal with tough zombies that are far away from your plants.

24. Use Pea-nut to Protect and Attack

Pea-nut is a plant that can protect and attack at the same time. It’s an excellent plant to use against tough zombie waves.

25. Use Spikeweed to Deal with Zombies

Spikeweed is a plant that can deal damage to zombies that step on it. Use it on tough zombie waves to deal with them quickly.

26. Use Starfruit to Deal with Zombies from Multiple Angles

Starfruit is a plant that can deal with zombies from multiple angles. Use it on tough zombie waves to deal with them quickly.

27. Use Tall-nut to Protect Your Plants

Tall-nut is a plant that can protect your plants from zombie attacks. Use it to protect your most potent plants from tough zombie attacks.

28. Use Threepeater to Deal with Multiple Zombies

Threepeater is a plant that can deal with multiple zombies at once. It’s an excellent plant to use against large groups of zombies.

29. Use Wall-nut to Protect Your Plants

Wall-nut is a plant that can protect your plants from zombie attacks. Use it to protect your most potent plants from tough zombie attacks.

30. Conclusion

Plants vs Zombie 2 is a fun and challenging game. With the right tips and tricks, you can become a pro in no time. Use the cheat plants vs zombie 2 tips we shared in this article to master the game and defend your home from the zombie apocalypse. Remember to have fun and experiment with different plant combinations to find what works best for you.