Cara Bermain Karina Build Item Emblem Battle Spell Mobile Legends

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Karina is one of the most popular assassins in Mobile Legends. She is known for her high burst damage and mobility. In this article, we will discuss how to play Karina effectively, including her build, emblem, and battle spell.

Cara Bermain Karina

Karina is an assassin that excels at taking down squishy targets. Her playstyle revolves around getting in and out of fights quickly, as well as dealing as much damage as possible. To play Karina effectively, you need to master her skills and understand her strengths and weaknesses.

Karina Skill Build

Before discussing Karina’s build, we need to talk about her skill build. Karina has four skills, and they all have their unique uses. Here’s how you should prioritize her skills:1. Shadow Blade Slaughter (Ultimate)2. Dance of Death (Second Skill)3. Elusiveness (First Skill)4. Deadly Blade (Passive)

Karina Item Build

When it comes to Karina’s build, there are a few essential items you should prioritize. Here’s a breakdown of the items you should consider:1. Warrior Boots – This item gives Karina additional physical defense and movement speed, making her more durable and mobile.2. Bloodlust Axe – This item provides Karina with additional cooldown reduction and spell vamp, allowing her to spam her skills more often and sustain herself in fights.3. Endless Battle – This item provides Karina with additional physical attack, critical chance, and mana regeneration, making her more deadly and sustainable.4. Blade of Despair – This item provides Karina with additional physical attack and critical damage, making her more deadly in fights.5. Rose Gold Meteor – This item provides Karina with additional magic resistance and a shield, allowing her to survive magical burst damage more effectively.

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Karina Emblem Build

Karina’s emblem build should prioritize the following:1. Assassin Emblem – This emblem provides Karina with additional physical attack, penetration, and critical chance, making her more deadly in fights.2. Movement Speed – This emblem provides Karina with additional movement speed, making her more mobile and harder to catch.3. Bounty Hunter – This emblem provides Karina with additional gold and experience, allowing her to snowball more effectively.

Karina Battle Spell

When it comes to Karina’s battle spell, you should consider using either Flicker or Purify. Flicker allows Karina to escape dangerous situations or initiate fights more effectively, while Purify allows her to remove crowd control effects, making her more durable in fights.

Cara Bermain Karina di Early Game

During the early game, Karina should focus on farming and getting her core items. She should avoid fights unless she has a significant advantage or can secure a kill. Karina should also prioritize ganking over pushing lanes, as she excels at taking down isolated targets.

Cara Bermain Karina di Mid Game

During the mid game, Karina should start to roam and secure kills. She should look for opportunities to gank lanes or catch enemies out of position. Karina should also prioritize objectives such as towers and dragons, as they provide significant advantages for her team.

Cara Bermain Karina di Late Game

During the late game, Karina should focus on taking down high-priority targets such as the enemy marksman or mage. She should also look for opportunities to flank the enemy team and catch them off guard. Karina should prioritize objectives such as the Lord or the enemy base, as they provide significant advantages for her team.

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Cara Bermain Karina dengan Benar

To play Karina effectively, you need to understand her strengths and weaknesses. Karina excels at taking down squishy targets and snowballing the game. However, she is vulnerable to crowd control effects and requires good positioning to avoid being burst down.


In conclusion, Karina is a deadly assassin that requires skill and strategy to play effectively. To play Karina with success, you need to master her skills, build, emblem, and battle spell. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can dominate the battlefield and lead your team to victory.